
What Is Paint-It-Forward?

Josh Abramson started Paint-It-Forward in 2005 as a way to give back his local community. Paint-It-Forward or similar programs focused on giving back to local communities has been adopted by many painting contractors across the United States and Canada.

Since completing the first Paint-It-Forward event over 10 years ago, and now with other painting contractors joining the movement, our combined efforts over the years have reached a goal of over $1,000,000 worth of free painting services and materials delivered to deserving families and nonprofits that are in need of painting services, but can’t afford them.

How Paint-It-Forward Works

We ask our local community to submit stories of people they know who are in need of painting but can’t afford it due to some difficulties in life that they may have experienced. Once these stories are submitted, the Griffith Painting Selection Committee (made up of employees, colleagues, and clients) will vote on the top candidates and announce the winner soon after. The recipient receives up to $7,500 worth of FREE painting services.

All of our employees (and even some family members) volunteer their time to the recipient. A freshly painted home can brighten their outlook and bring a little painting happiness into their lives. Thank you to our sponsors: Sherwin Williams, Functional Interiors, Tom The Green Grocer, Fanwood Bagels & Deli.

Our first Paint It Forward event was a great success!  Our selected recipient was a deserving Fanwood resident who we loved working with, and she loved her newly painted rooms!  Please check back here for information about our next Paint It Forward event, we are looking forward to it!

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